Rahmi Nurdiani, Asep A. Prihanto, Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, Hidayatun Muyasyaroh, Mia Nur Azizah, Fredy Priyatmoko, Abdullah Fauzi Qodim


Conventional frying of foods usually is carried out under atmospheric conditions at temperatures near 190°C.  The problem that arises most often is excessive darkening or scorching of the product, even before the product is completely cooked. Vacuum frying is a process that is carried out under pressures well below atmospheric level (below 6.65 kPa). Vacuum‐fried products are expected to have higher retention of nutritional quality (phytochemicals), color is enhanced (less oxidation), and oil degradation is reduced compared to atmospheric frying.  This research aimed to investigate the effect of vacuum frying processing on the quality of crispy catfish produced by the Youth Organization Group of Kandangsemangkon, Paciran Lamongan.  We divide the samples into two groups, i.e., 1. Crispy catfish processed using conventional frying and 2. Crispy catfish processed using vacuum frying. The proximate composition and organoleptic characteristics of the product were observed and analyzed descriptively.  The results showed that vacuum fried crispy catfish had lower water and fat content than the conventional fried one. Vacuum frying reduced the water and fat in the crispy catfish so that it might have a longer shelf life. It was suggested that vacuum frying processing increased the quality of the crispy catfish, and the technology was recommended to be used in small industries to increase their profit.


vacuum, frying, crispy catfish, Kandangsemangkon, Lamongan

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