Dwi Setijawati, Rudianto Rudianto, Happy Nursyam, Nafisah Nafisah, Lukman Mile


This study aims to determine the effect of using kappa carrageenan: iota carrageenan: mangrove flour (Avicennia marina) in ratio as a material edible films towards on its quality. The research method was an experimental laboratory design, with kappa-carrageenan: iota-carrageenan: mangrove fruit Avicennia marina flour treatment in variation ratios. The results were analyze using simple CRD which was repeated 3 times, further tests were carried out using the Duncan test to look for differences. The results showed that the thickness value was obtained in the use of iota-carrageenan and mangrove Avicennia marina fruit flour with a 1:3 ratio of 108.5 µm, the highest Tensile Strength was in iota-carrageenan and mangrove Avicennia marina fruit flour with the 3: 1 ratio of 5.95 N/mm2, Elongation value to the highest of 12.33% in the mixture of kappa: iota: mangrove (1: 2: 1). The lowest water vapor transmission value was found in the mixture of kappa: iota: mangrove (1: 2: 1) of 38.54 g /m2 Hour). The use of kappa-carrageenan: iota-carrageenan: mangrove fruit flour of Avicennia marina had a significant effect on the quality of the edible film. The use of carrageenan iota: mangrove fruit Avicennia marina flour affects the quality of Tensile Strength, Water Vapour Rate Transport due to the presence of the -OH functional group in its intermolecular bonds. The research suggestion is to do further testing of the solubility and swelling power and water content of the edible film.


Eucheuma cottonii, Eucheuma spinosum, Mangrove Api-Api

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