Moh. Sholeh, Akhmad Farid, Muhammad Zainuri


Gili Iyang  is a small island located at east of Madura, Indonesia that has extraordinary air with high oxygen content which is one of the best in the world. Furthermore, the island has attractive coastal resources that make the island reasonable to be developed becomes marine tourism. The purpose of this study is to determine the scales of priorities in developing tourism of the island and to determine the strategy of empowering communities in supporting the tourism. This research were conducted on October to December 2017 at Gili Iyang Island using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the priorities in developing the marine tourism, and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to formulate the strategy. The data were collected by questionnaire and interviewing 200 respondents. The respondents are stakeholders including the local government, investors, communities, and visitors. The results of AHP data processing concluded that the priorities of developing marine tourism of Gili Iyang are as follows: The diving tourism is the top priority of 24.1%, followed by surfing tourism (17.3%), beach tourism (16.2%), fishing (15%), maritime docks (14.1%) and sailing (13.4%), and the SWOT-recommended strategy is to maximize community engagement of tourism supported by special characters of local people.


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Gili Iyang, Marine tourism, Policy, SWOT Analysis

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